The Brigade maintains a Street Directory which lists, for each property in our assignment area:

  • Residents’ names and contact phone numbers;
  • Information on accessing the property, and any special issues;
  • Details of water resources (tanks & dams) available for firefighting.

But this information may be incomplete, outdated or simply wrong!

If you’d like a fire truck to visit on a Sunday morning to discuss accessibility to your property then please contact the Captain or one of the Lieutenants. See Contacts >.

Fire trucks are taller, wider, and heavier than most vehicles, and have a large turning circle. A visit will establish the facts. You will see any issues the firefighters might have for yourself, and may be able to make improvements. The Brigade will have a more accurate Street Directory, and those who attend will have a better knowledge of the layout of your property.

If you wish:

  • We can add special requests to the Street Directory access notes: for instance, if a fire threatens your property we will normally give your house our first priority – but you might prefer us to save your studio, your garage, or your stables.
  • You can check and update our information on water sources on your property.
  • You can alert us to any hazards on your property – dangerous chemicals, guard dogs, mine pits. If you’re certified organic, it’s a good idea for us to know, so we can avoid using foam and wetting agent if possible.
  • We can also provide advice on the bushfire readiness of your property.